SPA knows that every opportunity to remain in touch with our roots and heritage is precious to every Pakistani. The beauty of the Urdu language is an integral part of that heritage, and one which we have less of a chance to include in our day to day lives.
To provide a platform where Urdu language can be appreciated and celebrated, SPA has set up Bazm-e-Urdu, an SPA Urdu Club where enthusiasts of the language come together once every 2 months to share their love of, and interest in Urdu. To ensure the activities of the Club truly deliver what participants hope to achieve out of it, SPA invited members to shape and structure the Club according to their preferences – and the name Bazm e Urdu was decided upon as a result of that.
At each session, participants will discuss their thoughts and feelings, their experiences with specific Urdu material, which is prepared in anticipation of the session. This material includes Urdu novels, poetry and excerpts from other writings etc. As the Club moves forward, Urdu films and dramas might be included as well, depending on the interests of participants.
Some of the material suggested for the upcoming sessions include Mirza Ghalib ke Khutoot, Umrao Jan Ada by Mirza Hadi Ruswa, Shahab Nama by Qudrat Ullah Shahab,Bajang Amad by Muhammad Khan, Aag ka Darya by Qurat-ul-ain Haider, Rasidi Ticket by Amrita Pritam, Raja Gidh by Bano Qudsia and Urdu ki Aakhri Kitab by Ibn-e-Insha.
If you are a lover of the Urdu language, SPA invites you to step forward to share this love with others like you. Join Bazm-e-Urdu to help keep our beautiful language alive and thriving even outside Pakistan.
26th January 2015:
Muhawarey/Zarb ul Misl:
We shall explore and discuss various commonly used Zarb ul misl (idioms) and the stories behind them. You can prepare one Zarb ul misl and let us know which one you are doing so that there is no repetition.
2nd March 2015:
We shall together watch one or two episodes of Aangan Teerah, a famous PTV play written by Anwar Maqsood and discuss the beauty of Urdu language and its various aspects.
13th April 2015:
We shall share Amir Khusro”s Kalam either in tarannum or teh-tul-lafz.
Every one who is an Urdu Enthusiast is welcome to join. Mahwish Zaidi will organize this Club and with the help of Naureen Sattar will set the agenda for it every month.
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